What we do
We provide accessible transit to all children and allowing them to attend school regardless of their location or family situation to lottery school outside their school district.
Securing a Brighter future.
Lottery School Transport understands that making accessible school transportation for all children is crucial to securing a brighter future for the next generation.
To provide transportation services for all students who needs transportation to and from their residence address to a lottery school of their choice.
To ensure educational equality by giving everyone the same rights,opportunities and resources.To provide safe routes,free transportation for all students regardless of their district
To support academic achivement,and allow everyone the opportunity to succeed regardless of their circumstances
Transportation Safety Measures
We prioritize the safety of our students throughout their journey.
Enhanced drivers and monitoringCameras to monitor students behaviorEmergency evacuation proceduresSeat belts for all studentsReal-time school bus trackingRound-the-clock school bus monitoring
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